Thursday, November 5, 2009

Reply : JFKL & Jordon

Thanks for the sharing. It is best you guys keep a back up copy  of everything fishy that has been going on. We may need it soon. Every single info. will be helpful. Back up all your data from time to time.
JFKY said...
does anybody know of anybody who actually managed to redeem the tour package?

Jordon said...

You are right. Bladdy fishy! I ask around Nobody managed to redeem the tour for this month and I also found out that last month tour,Very few people went for the tour or maybe they split out into smaller groups....each group less than one tour bas???It used to be 3-4 tour bas. What are they trying to do?

Reply : Anonymous 19

 Yup!It did smells fishy. 3 of us wanted to redeem tour since the last 2 weeks but all the while we saw was "Tour redemption is not available until further notice",we did check every single day and that word is still there. Suddenly this morning, at the Corporate Announcement came out the notice that it was fully booked till Dec. Oh ya! That further notice word is still there.I couldn't believed it, I check the calendar again to make sure that today is not the 1st of April.Then I realized we are Malaysian, Apa Pun Boleh punya. Guess what we can do is pray hard everyday. Hopefully God know what to do.We also must report every single incident to God also, the more person report the more God knows what is going on then only there will be justice in this world.
Anonymous 19 said...
Things are very fishy and it's not surprising.Till yesterday there was no news about their Nov'09 tour & etc but this afternoon it was announced that all their Nov'09 tour allocations had been taken up and that we hv to wait for next month. Understand there was some sort of a meeting bet the local & Macau guys on 3rdNov. Wonder if there's any positive outcome in favour of us.