OK! Since you guys like to know who is running this blog. I have got the permission to write on behalf the team. The bloggers consists of 7 + (2 lately) but actually 12 person got the access to this blog, the other 3 so far no news yet but they are someone who have contributed to this blog before. Me and JB just got involved lately coz' the bloggers are too busy.&*^*^. Since you guys also aware that last few days there was some "technical problem" in this blog, created by some mtr fkr.,we somehow got to sos the bloggers and managed to solve it , and the good news is we somehow created 3 more blogs, guess now we have 4 blogs and another one by our Ipoh friend that make a total of 5 blogs.Oh ya! there is also another one which not link to our site and we also don't know who own it, and it using wordpress.com. If you guy still afraid or don't trust us. It is Okay for us but don't just sit and wait for miracle to happen. Do something, you can always write to www.scam.com or any other scam forum. If possible we would prefer you create your own blog and exchange link with us. We also prefer you guys to comment and we will publish into new blogpost rather than writing email to us unless you want to send us some attachment or anything you don't want others to know. OK!We got to admit that we can track your id but email is much easier to track your id than the comment in this blog but we only track those bastard who cheated our money. If you have photos or video please don't send directly to this blog. Use the most powerful site : http://www.youtube.com/ for video and http://picasa.google.com/ for photo and inform us, we will link it to this blog. Such as this Lecruz Video.
Another site that I would to your attention is the Bestino scam.They are link to us as well. Read their comment and provide them any info. if you can contribute, our purpose to to create awareness and help each others by sharing information. Look how active is their blog... Click here!