Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Reply : Anonymous27

Thanks for the encouragement, we really need that.We are a group of  bloggers who have invested our hard earned money into Lecruz.We are investors too, now we are the victims too. Sometimes some of us maybe a bit too emotional, well ,we are all human beings. 
We are very glad to inform you guys that this blog have more than 1,600 hits(visitors) in this month alone! The number is increasing every single day....but the emails and comments received, is still very low. Anyway thanks for all your support and may we help each other, unite and speak in one voice.Thousands of us will definitely create an impact.
For the time being , we would like to say.. keep in touch, "stay cool" and don't create havoc. We still hope that VJ is kind enough to come out with something good for everyone in 3 weeks time.
About 3rd Nov. meeting we only got a bit of information as posted yesterday.

Anonymous27 said...
To put the record straight I support this Blog and MR LAT - you have been doing a good job actually fantastically good job. I know it is sometime very frustrating dealing with people. Understandably there is no reward from running this blog , people abuse you but most of us are the good type those who follow the Que when we stop at the traffic light and a few who do not. Human Nature so I just want to give you some encouragement as nobody is doing it they just take and take until there is no more so Keep up the good work . I do not know who you are but one day we would like to know who you are at this time keep the current profile it is acceptable. What I would not like to see is the inaction as I notice nobody did sound the alarm about Nov 3. Information is the key nothing means dead for 4 days after Nov 5 there were nothing posted until Nov 9 when the Sin Chew Article broke and only one guy wrote a comment there should be an alarm sounded right after Nov 3 we are very weak. I am not questioning anything here or trying to put the blog down. So Hope you do not take this negatively I still say you did a good job continue with it be more aggressive. What say you all for Mr LAT.

Reply :Anonymous26 for the Non-Chinese(1 Malaysia)

 Since you guys have keep on writing in and requested for the translation. Allow us to give you some tips.Anything on the internet can be easily translated with Google search.
1.Go to the link about the Sin Chew daily
2. Copy the URL( the address bar on top of your browser)
3. Go to Google search...paste on the search bar and search
On the search result ,immediately after the link click on ...[translate this page]
or forget about the above and click here ...

But don't read anything yet coz' the headlines itself will give you a Heart Attack!!! 
Replace the following :
Proxy = Junket  
false.70000 women = (cheated RM70,000), women...
1000 Group = Scam Group
Port Dickson Naidu = a lady from Port Dickson 
Naidu =  Lady

 It may not be 100% but at least you get 95% of the news direct from Google.You also will get a good laugh reading it again without replacing the above words. Different meaning right? 
So guys from the above we realized that when news travel through different media it produces different meaning. Therefore please write something that you are sure of ,please don't guess or create stories through your emotion. Many people are reluctant to translate it into English coz' they are afraid if certain people got the wrong meaning then the translator are to be blamed. In fact there are people asking us not to spread this news but to be fair we teach you how to translate.
3rd Nov. meeting already posted.Please refer to the older post.


 Anonymous26 said...
For the benifit of those who are unable to read (esp the non chinese) as reported in Sin Chew - can someone please explain in simple English what's the whole thing about. Also can we hv some info of what was discussed & the outcome of the 3rdNov meeting, please. November 9, 2009 11:12 PM