If you think that you have been cheated by Lecruz it is advisable to make report immediately. Prepare in details of whatever you want to report, including the account summary, each transaction esp. the deposit statement(bank in statement), whatever detail about the person(whether your upline or the master stockist) be it IC no.,contact no, address etc. Anything and everything is helpful. The sample report is on the right side of this blog, download it and if possible create your own report with more details. Don't trust those who ask you to wait for them or giving you any excuses not to report. Remember,those who give you excuses, possibility are those who have make profit from your investment.It is your money and you have every rights to make a report if you feel that you have been cheated.We realized that if you wait for the whole group to make report then it will only delay the process, if possible DIY(Do It Yourself)don't wait for others.If you have the intention of going to Macau to report then only we got to form a team.
LAT 007
Anonymous 62 said...
Still waiting for news on this meeting.
January 14, 2010 11:29 PM
Anonymous 63 said...
Anyone want report in IPoh?
January 17, 2010 3:30 AM