Thursday, November 26, 2009

Only 30% of Sept. Investment went into the rolling chip.: Anonymous 49

 That was what we heard too. As for now  it seems like there is no way out for all investors who have invested in Sept.2009. If you stay in Lecruz , you will have to slowly wait till 2014 just to fully get back your capital.Remember it show more than 300% of total return in CP but we paid RM3.4 for 1 CP now it is only RM0.87 per CP, so you are not getting anything but only your capital.If you transfer to Vtoria, you will still have to Top-up RM2.60 per CP and you will only be getting 5% per month. Then you will be taken another ride to Macau and how long it will last depends on how hard you pray lo...It seems like either way also got trap. So, call for meeting and have a brain-storming session .... think of the next action to be done.

Anonymous 49 said...
Only 30% of September investment went into rolling chips! What took the rest of the cash? Obviously the pay out for CP came from new investments and not the company. Therefore, the company should have used the money already in its posession to be paid for CP , gained from rolling chips in the past,to invest! If it could not do that, it means there is no profit making as they claim from rolling chips. We had been duped. What they are effectively saying is they ran a pyramid/ponzi scam. Using new investment to pay old investors. This is admitting to commiting a crime! The only profit they made is our money mostly from September and August investments. That is why they are doing all they can to avoid paying for CP even at HK 2.00, and give all kind of silly reasons. Paying us means they have got less profit from the scam.