Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Anonymous 80 : Gather at their house

I fully agree with you....what is there to scared of them ? Teach them a good lesson! They are still saying that none of you guys can do anything so why not just show them what we can do! & how serious we are!
Anonymous 80 said...
If we have 8000 investors, why can't we gather at their house and demand our returns??? 8000 investors against 8 #%$^#% persons. They are still enjoying life with our hard earn investment, and still continuing the harmful scam...the rest of us just waiting for legal action??? and when is that going to come? With so many complaints yet the police still can't take action? It's time to change strategy so the police will take us seriously. If we go one by one to the police may be it is just not good enough, we need to go in big group and each time one level up until they take us seriously. May be we should form a team to keep rotating to go to the police station for follow up. We must put a stop to all these $(%*%# people and prevent them from doing more harm to others

Anonymous 79 : Thanks !

OK! Some of you may noticed but some of you guys still did not know. This blog was bought over by another person. Some of the bloggers still helping to support this blog.Those who have access still support this blog.We need more people to be active on this blog.Sorry to say this but it the right way to protect this blog from being sabotage therefore only a few who have contributed to this blog can have the password.Now we want to hear more from you !!!

Anonymous 79 said...
Firstly, I would like to thank those in LAT Team for this blog. If you really follow this blog, you guys should know that LAT Team does not get any funding for maintaining this blog and they need us(the Victims of Lecruz scam) to contribute the content of this blog. Therefore my comment to Anonymous(Dated Sept.7 2010)is that... Not the action team ,no further action but somehow the rest of the victims of Lecruz Scam is not doing anything??? You guys just want to rest the case? Come on ! Don't be lazy and wait for the LAT team to spoon feed you every single thing and when there is result then you want some share out of it. Even if there is no result also is fine for me as long as we have this blog, our curse is enough to send the fishmonger to his graveyard, don't you think so? I remembered there was a victim from Perak said that he wanted to end his life because he've lost everything in Lecruz, well at least you can take one of the top 8 together with you. Most of us may respect you decision and who knows some of us may also do the same thing, as long as someone lead the way. I believed most of us are still frustrated but not doing anything and waiting for the bloggers to do something,hoping to get something back, well,we got to change our mindset .Lets contribute something, take the picture of their house,car, mistress etc, or make fishmonger become Kiam Hoo(Dried fish) then post the picture here and share.

Anonymous 78 : You people no action ???

 Fishmonger  is happily enjoying the ill gotten money and is still boasting that no one can do anything to him coz' our country is as corrupted as him.
Anonymous said...
why the action team no futher action in the blog and i know alex lim run away to thailand and base in hong kong but still cheating ppl

Anonymous 77 : F*** Fishmonger mother ,Ah Lee mother??? OMG !!!

No comment !!!OMG ! 
Anonymous said...
Yes! We all should go and fuck that puki mak fishmonger,puki mak Ah Lee, and all those in the top 8 gang. You think you guys are tough right ? You think you can cheat 8000 over people and get away.Just wait and see!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Got beat up by downline not fishmonger!!! : Anonymous 76

What we heard was the opposite! One of the leader got beaten up by downline.I'm not sure is the same person. Anyway it is up to individual. For us here , we go through the legal way, you may like to know that in Penang alone more than 800 that we know have made police report. There are more than 8000 investors easily 7000 loosing their hard earn money in this Lecruz Scam. Common sense will tell that the fishmonger is in fear more than anyone of us. He should be praying hard every single day that he is still alive.I don't think he dare to cause any trouble or even to scold anyone now. In fact  not only he is in fear but his whole unfortunate family members and those close to him is in fear because of his action. We know  that many people is still active monitoring and waiting for the right time to take revenge. In this world, no matter how smart you are, you can cheat certain people at certain time but you can't cheat more than 7000 people every time, now many people already know the truth. Most of us are no longer going after the stupid Wijaya or Lecruz. As what Jason Ross have mentioned in the email before " Siapa makam cili dia yang akan rasa pedas !" We only mentioned Fishmonger right, Well,just assumed that we still do not know who else is involved!

Anonymous 76 said...
i hear my friend 1 agent in ipoh give ppl beat and cut by the fishmonger because report on him. And the police is do nothing. What can we do? We have report and no futher action by the police. Pls give some comment if u got idea

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Post details of them : Anonymous 75

 In fact you guys want to see them personally also can, just go to Zhen Yun at No. 70-01-17 D’Piazza Mall, Jalan Mahsuri, 11950 Bayan Baru, Penang, Tuesday or Friday night. You can see the fishmonger gang and their cars also there. Trust me they are not hiding or running away. All of them are still in Penang happily. Why ? Not only the police is afraid of them now, even the ghost also afraid of them !!! Yup! They are more evil than the ghost. Hantu nampak pun lari, bukan main! 

Anonymous 75 said...
Please post the details of their houses , addresses , car nos , photos of their families as details as possible

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Why Police not doing anything? : P . Pic 23rd July 2010

Seriously, we don't really know if the police is doing anything but we going to check it up soon. So far none of us have any feedback for the past 4 months; for the first quarter of this year many of us have been in and out of the police station many times. I'm wondering if any of you guys got any feedback from the police. JB was right,you got to f*f*f* him enough!, we also heard that "seh sean been"( rusty face ) guy also Kay Boo wan, he did pocket out some money to settle those tough to handle guys. So if you are tough enough go face to face with him if not then go to the proper channel, report to all the authority and tell to everyone online....or go from behind to get even. Why they can set up new scam easily? This is what we got to ask the police seriously. One thing I know for sure, out of all the luxury cars and bungalow that you guys have seen but deep inside their heart, they are actually shivering in fear every single minute hoping that are still alive for another day and wondering if every part of their body can withstand a bullet or a knife. They can cheat one or two or may be a few of us who are humble enough to go through the proper channel but they can't cheat more than 8,000 people. Remember, the Law of Karmma always applies whether we like it or not. Time will tell.

P. Pic said...
I will do my best to take pictures of his houses, cars & family members. But, I still can't understand that, 1.) Why police di nothing? 2.) heard that there are lots of loan sharks also pumped in lots of money into Lecruz, why those loan sharks never take any actions? 3.) Why they can set up new cheating scheme so easily?

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Why so afraid of these 10 crooks? : Anonymous 74

 You know,I couldn't agree with you more, you are absolutely right! Somehow most of the victims are in fact afraid, but some are reluctant to take action,those money are negligible to them. We are still looking forward for more contribution to this blog. Can someone take some pictures of their bungalow, cars or anything ...or maybe those crooks with their mistress ??? That will be something worthwhile to share right?


Anonymous 74 said...
We are over 9000 victims of this Lecruz scam. Why so afraid of these 10 crooks? Identify them by name and i.c. numbers. Lets get together to get back our money. For that we need to know where these crooks have hoarded the money, is it here only or overseas? If overseas did they use any underground method. Who helped them to hide this money. Soon a well known lawyer's name and address will be given in this blog. Give all this info to him.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

That Bastard Alex from Johore Bahru in fact was the first person who brought in Lecruz but after a few months it seems like the mtr fkr fishmonger is leading the show and turning it into scam, we do feel that they could have plan for it at the very beginning. That was the experienced faced by some seniors in Mobile Wallet scam,( the same fishmonger team). It was being told that Alex was not in good terms with them since September 2009, he didn't even get his overriding,maybe this could have also being part of their plan,we wouldn't know unless Alex,himself write in to us. As far as we are concerned here, the fishmonger and his team is the devil behind all this. After Lecruz having problem,Alex Lim set up http://www.privilegespass2u.com 
and invited many of us to go along but most of us human already being burnt by the fkg Lecruz dare not join him, some did followed him.
Oh yes! before that was http://www.vtoria.com convert from Lecruz.com. There was a small group lead by someone called John, his upline was Lim.
That was the worst case where most of those who transferred from Lecruz got to pay additional money to join Vtoria and it only last for less than 3 months, the new comers did not received anything at all! After confirming that Vtoria did not pay out any longer,there was a group who called him(John), asking him how was Vtoria, yet he still claimed "no problem, you guys sould have join me earlier", Oh! what a bullshit fkg oldman!Just because of a small amount of money he betrayed many of his old friends. Either he is useless or stupid fkg oldman! Yup! He denied the fact even after knowing the problem!
Okay now the latest news is the same bastards, fishmonger group setting up bird nest game : http://www.zhenyunbiz.com in Bayan Baru . Well, if you think of getting even with them then you got to do something, form your own group. contact those victims you know. Do something! That my advice!


Anonymous 74 said...

Another business set up by those bastards!
Pls check this out the link below :-

   July 6, 2010 10:55 AM

Anonymous 75 said...

    i know alex lim boon chuang also 1 of the 8 bastards now open new company name (privileges pass) started again to cheat money. Can some 1 stop this bastards continue cheating ppl. this company operate in thailand and this alex make alot money in le cruz. he is the guy who run the le cruz in macau. http://www.privilegespass2u.com

    July 9, 2010 9:23 AM

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Share Picture of the scammers : Hunter

 Hunter is right! We supposed to share the latest info. about those bastards! Juru Boy did mentioned before that bastards Lee got a bungalow in Juru near his place. I think many of us would like to see the picture maybe we can contribute something to that bastard. So that he can sleep peacefully there.

Hunter said...
Hi P.Pic Would appreciate if you can take some of his latest picture of him and his house and post here. I hate this type of useless bastard who take advantage of others!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Some info.on the scam leaders

P. Pic said...
the so called top leader here is Oh How Leong, I know him personnaly, when I confranted him, he acted blur and said he also lost lots of money, the fact is he made hundred of millions. He is now living in a huge bunglow, drive big BMW & Jaguar.
P. Pic said...
too bad, I have deleted some usefull information from my handy...I will slowly trace what is happening to Oh How Leong, where is he, what is he doing.. and input to you....BTW.. how can I keep in touch wth u guys...
P. Pic said...
I used to bank in my investment to this person, I transfer my CP to him monthly and he will bank in money to me weeks later. ( Sadly , I lost lost of money also because trust Oh Haw Leong so much ) TAN SWEE BENG HONG LEONG BANK A/C: 0540 1013 213 this person is the direct downline of Oh Haw Leong, he also has made millions, now staying same place with Oh Haw Leong in Penang, big bunglow. Hope my little info can help you guys to fight.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

You guys want to know who we are ???

OK! Since you guys like to know who is running this blog. I have got the permission to write on behalf the team. The bloggers consists of 7 + (2 lately) but actually 12 person got the access to this blog, the other 3 so far no news yet but they are someone who have contributed to this blog before. Me and JB just got involved lately coz' the bloggers are too busy.&*^*^. Since you guys also aware that last few days there was some "technical problem" in this blog, created by some mtr fkr.,we somehow got to sos the bloggers and managed to solve it , and the good news is we somehow created 3 more blogs, guess now we have 4 blogs and another one by our Ipoh friend that make a total of 5 blogs.Oh ya! there is also another one which not link to our site and we also don't know who own it, and it using wordpress.com. If you guy still afraid or don't trust us. It is Okay for us but don't just sit and wait for miracle to happen. Do something, you can always write to www.scam.com or any other scam forum. If possible we would prefer you create your own blog and exchange link with us. We also prefer you guys to comment  and we will publish into new blogpost rather than writing email to us unless you want to send us some attachment or anything you don't want others to know. OK!We got to admit that we can track your id but  email is much easier to track your id than the comment in this blog but we only track those bastard who cheated our money. If you have photos or video please don't send directly to this blog. Use the most powerful site : http://www.youtube.com/ for video and http://picasa.google.com/ for photo and inform us, we will link it to this blog. Such as this Lecruz Video.
Another site that I would to your attention is the Bestino scam.They are link to us as well. Read their comment and provide them any info. if you can contribute, our purpose to to create awareness and help each others by sharing information. Look how active is their blog... Click here!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

JB to those who got cheated in Lecruz

Now is the time to voice out. Its your hard earned money and you kena scam by those bastard. You don't have to be afraid of them anymore, I'm the Juru Boy(JB) who have written in forum,scam sites and this blog about Lecruz scam. Of course I also lost quite a lot of money in Lecruz. It seems to me that you people are so scared of them until everything become so quiet. Are you guys just going to give up and let them have your money??? Most of you are still afraid to even identify yourself.Well, at least you can use your initials ma, just like what I have been doing, now at least I know we have a group. We have to continue to blog and let the whole world know about those top 8 leaders. So that they will not be able to start up anything in future. At  least if you continue to blog we know which site you are in and we can share all the info. just like what the bloggers have shared with a few of us who have really contributed to this blog.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Yup! Someone got paid already!

Firstly, Thanks OMG and JB, Go ahead and blog as you wish and as long as you can.

Yup! Those bloggers(LAT) are "lazy" to write lately.I guess.....oh! better don't guess! OK! I also happened to be one of the few to have access to this blog....because...I write in often and contribute some valuable info.too!I also know how to blog!

I got to tell you guys some story, in fact most of you are still blur blur. Some of them have got their money back,many leaders got their money and kept quiet,some of the leaders actually paid their downline by installment, they said they take the money out of their own pocket. Nah! FU! That was the  money taken from us and refund to them by the top leaders to shut their F*mouth! If you happened to be the one of the top leaders an not getting anything until today , we also know who you are. Too bad! Hope the authority will step in sooner so that you people can know the truth.I really do not know whether the authority is investigating or not but somehow you got to do something until you get your money.

Just like what the LAT team have mentioned over and over again until they are frustrated....Let me remind you again...Take Action! Everything have been clearly stated in this blog! Someone have actually went to F*F*F*F* the top leader until "song song", now if you ask him what happened, he will answer " No comment, OK, I'm satisfied now!".

Okay!One and final Dark Secret is that the LAT team is going to sell out this blog soon, Yup! Its under negotiation. There are quite a lot of info. here that have not being published but hopefully it don't land into the wrong hands.


P/S NoTHinG HaPPenED RiTe! Try AGain Lo! (This message not for you guys)

Anonymous said...

    You are absolutely right..no one got their money back. I think some are just trying to bullshit,..hoping and hoping their money will be returned. I feel so sad to think my hard earned money has disappeared just like that..somebody will pay for it

    June 19, 2010 7:24 PM

Anonymous said...

    why all the leader no futher action against le cruz.my friend told me le crown still open in macau(babylon casino).

    June 20, 2010 8:26 AM

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Authorities taking action?

Some of the them who have made a lot of complaints was somehow being refunded I guess. Many who lost millions suddenly quiet,I was told that some leaders actually have refunded their downlines too.Yup! Confirmed. After some investigation showed that many leaders are actually making money out of their downlines and to cover up from further investigation they are being paid to close their mouth and not to make further conplaint.That Mtrfkr fishmonger have made tenths of million and have also taken care of some of the leaders to keep quiet. Now the bloggers also stop blogging already, I'm just like one of you guys who have written to this blog many times, I was somehow given the password to access to this blog coz' I know how to blog. You guys out there should have wake up and do something !!! Unless you are happy to donate to those bastards!I'm as frustrated as you are coz' majority who lost their money are still in the dark, either don't what to do or lazy to do anything or fkg happy by giving money away or... I don't know.

Teng said...
Why the authorities are not moving against the culprits at all? What else can we do to get them to return to us, the ill gotten money? Can someone bring all investors together, to act as one strong force against the fraudsters?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Anonymous 73 : Seniors who claimed they lost money actually making tons of money

 Yup! Many of us now realized that but its already too. Many of us trusted them because of many years of friendship and also through friends that we trusted but little did we know how cruel and wicked they can be. Anyway the Law of Kamma always applies. "Do good and you shall receive good in future. Do evil and you shall suffer a thousand times worse than your victims !"
LAT 006
Anonymous 73 said...
To cite few examples, Terence Teoh, Eric and that old lady are some of the seniors who claimed they lost money but they actually making tons of money from downlines

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

R : Y M Chong of Bestino and Lecruz??? Anyone?

 We don't have the info. at the moment, anyway if you can provide further details such as the full name,IC no. or picture then it will be easier to track them out. Guess what we have found that a few of the seniors in Lecruz who claimed that they lost money was actually making huge some of money from their downline.That's why they reluctant to make any report and made all sort of excuses.Well, many of those guys are still under investigation now. 
R said...
Any idea if there is a connection between YM Chong of Bestino Group and Lecruz? Rumour has it that he is member 001. I am trying to understand the link between the two. Anyway, Bestino investors had been using the blog at Fortune Sense which has unfortunately shut down. A new blog has been created at: http://besti-news.blogspot.com/2010/05/open-letter-to-bestino.html I apologize in advance for using this blog to advertise the above URL.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Is this fair ? : Anonymous 72

Well,if you love your family and you can afford it, why not? Many of us have actually refunded our downline ,the commission that we got from recruiting them.If you are someone who have also lost badly in Lecruz then have an open-book session like what some of us have done.Show all the bank-in transaction in black and white and the police report.Everyone knows that we don't lie in the police report, unless we want to end up in jail. We are sure that your downline who is in the same position should be able to understand your situation..... unless the upline is someone who is shellfish and greedy. Another thing you must be aware that Lecruz is clearly a SCAM! (esp. the fishmonger) No one can deny that today.You shouldn't say that someone wanted to take profit and do not want to take risk, you must remember that thousands of investors have witnessed that the leaders have mentioned in every meeting : Lecruz Investment is a Guaranteed Return!There are videos on that as well, we are still waiting for someone to post the video up.That why we are going after the Top 8 pioneers. As a responsible investor who have downline must take the responsibility to help your downline,make a police report, help your downline to make police report, report to all the related authorities, find out who is responsible for this scam and make them pay for it. Most of all Take Action! We have listed more than 30 sites to report but no matter what you must at least report to this 3 places : Polis Di Raja Malaysia, Kementrian Perdaganggan and MCA(Michael Chong). If you don't report there is no way you can get back your money, simply because your particulars is not with the authority.


Anonymous 72 said...
It is such a painful feeling to discover a disaster after investing such a huge sum. Even more painful to face a family member who have actually attended the meeting and invested, but when discover the fact that lecruz has windup. She immediately bugg the upline who is also another family member to give the money in installment basis. Is this fare? She has prepared to take the profit but do not want to take any risk. What a selfish creature living on earth!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Allan Lecruz runner ? : Anonymous 71

 We don't think this Allan is Lecruz runner,none of us have met him but we feel that he could be just like one us who have invested and lost his hard earned money in Lecruz. Allan!, hope you can speak up and at least clarify on this.Yes! All of us are very frustrated and disappointed with Lecruz esp. the top 8 who have planed to cheat us on this scam.Now that we knew they have planed from the beginning to start up this scam and to shut it down within a certain period of time and the pioneers and their gang will always be on the winning site, and we also realized that Lecruz was not the first scam by this group and they will not just stop at Lecruz, they still continue to cheat others with the similar type of scam one after another. So, why not we warn the whole world about them. It is for sure someday somebody will know how to deal with this type of people.

 LAT 006

Anonymous 71 said...
Looks like this Allan guy could be Lecruz's runner.He was supposed to let the rest of us know on this blog as to what transpired during the gathering that was to have been held on 2ndMac'10.But no he turned out to another cock & bull story teller with cold feet. May be our investment money in Lecruz are all gone-lets hope all those mother f----rs and their families are able to live peacefully. For how long can they be on the run?????

Thursday, March 4, 2010

What's up Mr.Allan :Anonymous 70

Anonymous 70 said...
What's up Mr.Allan? If I am not mistaken last 2nd there was supposed to have been a press conference/gathering in KL and we had requested your goodself to post the gist of it on this blog but am yet to find it anywhere. Seek to know if it did materialise or otherwise? Kindly do try to keep us informed.May the blessing of HIM be with you at all times

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Thanks to Allan : Anonymous 69

Anonymous 69 said...
Many thanks Mr.Allan for taking so much of trouble & making the necessary arrangements. Am not too sure as to how many from outside KL will be able to make it for this gathering,with due respects would be much obliged if you could arrange to post the gist of the said conference on this blog for the benifit of the rest.Hope we are able to recover our capital at least.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Press Conference at Wisma MCA : Anonymous 68

Anonymous 68 said...
There will be a Press Conference incharged by Mr Michael Chong due to Lecruz Biz Club. Details are as below: Venue : Wisma MCA Kuala Lumpur 
Date : 2nd March 2010 
Time : 3.30pm sharp 
Please contact me as soon as possible @ 6014-933 3618 (Mr Allan)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Report Lecruz scam to MCA Micheal Chong : Anonymous 67

That's a good idea. Make as many reports as you can if any of you guys feel that you have been cheated. Those of you who feel that the amount you have invested is negligible to you, then you may also post a comment on this blog that you don't want to go through such a hassle to made the report and you just want to donate the money to Lecruz. Who knows the mastermind of Lecruz may send you a Thank You card!
Anonymous 67 said...
For your information, you can directly send all the related report to MCA attention to Mr Micheal Chong. Is better for you to walk-in to submit the report by hand to Mr Micheal Chong. Immediatte action will be taken once the report receive by Mr Michael Chong so that legal action can be taken as soon as possible.

Police report made : Anonymous 66

Glad to know know that many of the investors have made police report. We have listed on the right side of this blog, lots of related authority sites where you can also send your reports to.

LAT 005
Anonymous 66 said...
My uncle and aunt in penang too is facing the same music. They have invested about 110K. Their life saving money into this and only managed to get returns for 3 months and now all gone. They are in a bad shape now... They have just made a police report!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Police report have been made, What Next ? : Anonymous 65

Well, that depends on how desperate you are on getting your hard earned money back. Many of us have not stop digging for info. and handed them to the authority related. For the past few post, we have suggested many action to be taken surprisingly  the number of investors who have taken action is still very low. Most of the time when you make a report either the Kementrian Perdagangan, Police or Consumer Association or those who have attended the press conference at CAP you will be able to know who is desperate enough to get their money back somehow it will be easier to keep in touch with each other. You will at least know those who have the similar interest. Sometime from email or thro' blog we do not really know who is on which site. FYI, there are quite a number of investors who are actively submitting new info. to the authority from time to time. We hope you guys who have come across any new news about the Lecruz and the mastermind please forward them to the authority. Our message to you guys who have not make any report is - go ahead take some action during this Chinese New Year holiday. Wishing you guys all the best in whatever action you do for this New Tiger Year. Kong Hee Fatt Choy!

Anonymous 65 said...
Police report done..what next?? Very difficult to get any info on what is happening. I do login here to see any updates, but hardly see any. To all top leaders my sincere request to form a committee and work as one for all investors. I know it is the duty of our upline, but some of them do not really know whats happening nor is there any point in working individually. We can have a monthly meeting. All uplines have our emails. Hope to hear a positive feedback.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

How to report without Lecruz ID : LEONG

We would suggest that you discuss the matter with your upline. He/she should be responsible enough to go along with you to make the report, unless he/she is making profit out of your investment. To certain people who are too afraid that the authority may investigate their financial situation than we may suggest that you get a copy of bank-in statement and also your bank-in statement for the payment of the investment.Just allocate about 2-3 hours of your time for the report. I think is it worth while for spending 2-3 hours even for the smallest investment package, right?
LEONG said...
Glad to hear that we're taking action against those ppl. But i would like to get ur opinion regarding my situation, i didn't hv any le cruz acc.(le cruz ID) however i juz gave my money directly to one of the upline to share partially, i was informed that i'll get the receipt to show that i've shared 1/10 of the amount invested (most expensive plan). So do i need to lodge police report as a backup to secure my future refund if there is the chance one day we could get back our hard earn money

Newspaper and TV : Anonymous 64

We are glad to see that you guys have taken action. Yup! It was on newspaper and TV a few times. It is fair to make a report so that other people will not fall into the same trap in future. Please be reminded again, if your particulars is not in the report, the authority will not be able to contact you therefore you won't be able to get you refund.
Anonymous 64 said...
I saw newspaper already..Really has done very good job .!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Report in Ipoh :Anonymous 62 & 63

If you think that you have been cheated by Lecruz it is advisable to make report immediately. Prepare in details of whatever you want to report, including the account summary, each transaction esp. the deposit statement(bank in statement), whatever detail about the person(whether your upline or the master stockist) be it IC no.,contact no, address etc. Anything and everything is helpful. The sample report is on the right side of this blog, download it and if possible create your own report with more details. Don't trust those who ask you to wait for them or giving you any excuses not to report. Remember,those who give you excuses, possibility are those who have make profit from your investment.It is your money and you have every rights to make a report if you feel that you have been cheated.We realized that if you wait for the whole group to make report then it will only delay the process, if possible DIY(Do It Yourself)don't wait for others.If you have the intention of going to Macau to report then only we got to form a team.
LAT 007

Anonymous 62 said...

    Still waiting for news on this meeting.

    January 14, 2010 11:29 PM

Anonymous 63 said...

    Anyone want report in IPoh?

    January 17, 2010 3:30 AM

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Meeting in Penang : Steven

 Hi Steven,
We would appreciate to have your email or contact so that other investors can contact you for the meeting. Kindly use http://lecruzactionteam.blogspot.com/ 
to communicate as most people are visiting this site.

LAT 006
steven said...(message from http://lecruzscam.blogspot.com/)
I plan to hold a meeting in Penang on the lecruz scam soon. All lecruz investors please contact me through this blog.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sample Police Report : Anonymous 62

 Every information is helpful to the investigation. FYI the previous mail was forwarded by a third party to us and requested us to publish it. Click here for the Sample Report...

Anonymous 62 said...
Attn Mr.Chin Dian - we hv noted your noble advice & effort in assisting us, however I am unable to locate your sample of the police report that needs our necessary action. Grateful if you could resend same soonest possible. Besides our ID & police reports since you hv already forwarded copy of the group of 8 in a CD if I am not mistaken to all the relevant parties, don't you think it's sufficient instead of each & everyone resending it again to all these bodies?

Friday, January 8, 2010

Make police report immediately

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 11:53 PM, chin dian  wrote:
Dear friends,

I am from a group of professionals including some lawyers who have
also invested in Lecruz, same like all of you. We fully understand the
pain that you all are going through during the last 3 months for not
getting the dividends as promised by Lecruz. We have been patient long
enough and analyzed the chances whether if there is any way the
company going to pay us our capital back as promised. From our
meetings that we had several times, there doesn't seems we have any
chances that we are going to get any money from them.

We have also consulted some of the officials from Bukit Aman's
Commercial Crime dept, Interpol as well as Security Commision and
after careful review, we have been adviced that the only way for us to
proceed this case is by making mass police report and follow up with
the steps provided in this email.

Only with all our collective police report, action can be taken by the
authorities to fight this case. Your cooperation is really necessary
to make sure we get the right attention from all the departments
concern. Your steps are as below:

1. Please print out all your account summaries from internet for each
of your user IDs. Make 15 copies of each acct summary so every concern
department will get one copy each.

2. Make police report immediately (our suggestion is before this
Sunday, Jan 10th'2010) to your nearest police station. A sample copy
of police report is attached to make your life easier, you just need
to fill in your personal details such as to whom you bank in the
money, the amount and the dates. The explanation of how the system
works already been described in the report template and you don't have
to make any changes to that. This report can be in English and need
not be translated into Bahasa Malaysia to avoid any translation errors
(we have confirmed with several senior police officers). I would
suggest if possible, please download/save the police report template
into your thumbdrive to save the policeman the time to type 3 pages of
your report.

3. To those who have the CD burning facility, please burn this speech into CD

and pass it to the police department, you may also burn extra CD for
yourself for easier explanation to the relevent authorities.

4. Print the attached photograph of the 8 pioneers who brought the
business (15 copies). Please attach 1 copy to each of the relevent
authorities, therefore you need 15 copies.

5. Buy a copy of your police report from the police station, they may
charge RM2.00. Make 15 photostat copies of the police report. Please
write down your mobile number on the police report before you post it,
so the relevent authorities able to communicate with you when

6. Please put into envelope and stamp (make sure the stamp amount is
enough, to be safe put a RM1.00 stamp) and send to the following

a) Investor Affairs and Complaints Department
   Securities Commission Malaysia
   3, Persiaran Bukit Kiara
   Bukit Kiara
   50490 Kuala Lumpur

b) Bank Negara Malaysia
   Jalan Dato' Onn,
   P.O. Box 10922,
   50929 Kuala Lumpur.

c) Consumer Association of Penang
   10, Jalan Masjid Negeri,
   11600 Penang.

d) ERA Consumer Malaysia
   Education and Research Association for Consumer Malaysia,
   4 Jalan SS1/22A,
   47300 Petaling Jaya,

e) DAP - Democratic Action Party
   24, Jalan 20/9, 46300 Petaling Jaya,

f) Keadilan - Parti Keadilan Rakyat,
   75A, Jalan Lawan Pedang 13/27,
   Tadisma Business Park,
   40000 Shah Alam, Selangor.

g) MCA Public Service and Complaint Dept,
   Tingkat 8, Wisma MCA,
   163 Jalan Ampang,
   50450 Kuala Lumpur.

h) MIC, 6th Floor,
   Menara Manickavasagam,
   1, Jalan Rahmat,
   50350 Kuala Lumpur.

i) Attorney General's Chamber of Malaysia,
   AG- Jabatan Peguam Negara Malaysia,
   Level 1 - 8, Block C3, Parcel c,
   Federal Government Administrative Centre,
   62512 Putrajaya.

j) Biro Bantuan Guaman,
   Jabatan Perdana Menteri,
   Aras 1, Blok B7, Parcel B,
   Pusat Pentadbiran, Kerajaan Persekutuan,
   62502 Putrajaya.

k) Business Times,
   Balai Berita, 31, Jalan Riong,
   59100 Kuala Lumpur.

l) China Press,
   80, Jalan Riong,
   Off Jalan Bangsar,
   59100 Kuala Lumpur.

m) Assist Director
   National Central Bureau (NCB)/Interpol Malaysia,
   Royal Malaysian Police Headquarters,
   Bukit Aman, 50560 Kuala Lumpur,

I really hope that all the uplines who receive this email to either
forward or make copies to all your downlines. This is the only way you
can show your help to your people since all this while you are not
able to make any influence to get back your people's money. For the
government servants who thinks this might be a risk, I would suggest
you change the name in the profile to your wife/husband's name to
ensure your work don't get affected.
You are supposed to follow strictly the instructions given in this
email. We will do all our best to fight this case and will inform you
the next actions to take in the future.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Yup! Many have taken action so how about you?: Anonymous 62

You are right! Many investors have taken action. If you feel cheated then better make a report. In fact you supposed to prepare a detailed report and just send it by post,by email or hand carry will be better. Yes! You got to provide your personal particulars as well. If you have invested a lot of money then I wouldn't think there will be any problem just to travel to Bukit Aman. We wonder if anyone have made report to the Macau Authority. Investigation have been made but the authority need more feedback from the investors.

Anonymous 62 said...
Those who still thinks that nothing happened and case closed, or still awaiting for others to make the report for you, you better think again! How can anyone contact you and refund you if your particulars is not in the authority complaint list! Don't blame on others if people have got their refund. You don't report, means you are happy with the situation! IF you are lucky maybe #001 may send you a Thank You Card. This blog have done a very great job for us to communicate but each of us still got to do our part. I just realized that the blogger have mentioned over and over again on what to do. That is : back up all your data,print them, form your own group and make report ! Try to contact any of the complaint list and this is what they will be asking you. Good Luck to all and have a Happy New Year! Think again! 2010 Should be a Happy New Year! We going to get our money back and somebody(yes! some body) got to be in Jail!

???Anonymous 61

Anonymous 61 said...

Any news now ?just nothing to do and finish the case?
January 2, 2010 6:43 AM