Thursday, January 20, 2011

Anonymous 83 :

 I'm not sure I get what you trying to write.Anyway,they are right too...Nobody force us to invest. The truth is  they purposely set up this company and plan well to close it down so that they can grab the huge profit.None of those who made profit will pity those who lost, they are still happily enjoying themselves with their ill-gotten money. 
Well,it is our money,if we felt being cheated then we got to take action.Don't wait for others to take action coz' the other person maybe the one who make profit out of your hard earned money.
Anonymous 83 said...
After a long time I see some comments. I have given up that anyone is bothered to get back our hard earned money. Why are the leaders who recruited so many and convinced them to participate in this scheme, take some effort to do something. When they could organize the meetings to get the investors, how come they are at a loss what to do now. My leader has completely stopped all contacts. The argument is, no one forced you to invest!!!!There seem be not an once even of sympathy to the loss and pain we have suffered.