Monday, November 9, 2009

Reply : Anonymous 23

Frankly I don't fully get what you trying to say but I really respect you for writing in. You have taken action ! Many so called leaders who just don't care, maybe loosing not so much money or maybe don't care about downline or maybe don't care about other investors.   

Anonymous 23 said...
Looking at things it is now call " Friend Friend club " buddy with me tell me good things I keep you inform if not sorry you sit and do guess work.When I sign up my money and those who are your buddy different colour? Maybe they use gold bullion. Who to blame if we do guess work ? nobody because if I don't know and nobody want to talk about it I will certainly go to whoever and where ever to ask, wrong person, wrong place, wrong authority. This blog is the right place to start , put the members first not yourself as you guys have even more to loose then us. Think about it Mr Leader do not wait until more " informative " link appear and don't blame us if your detail get listed not here but out there. Can be difficult but you all have taken people money with a promise what do you expect worst still you all keep yourself inform now if you were to turn this around how would you feel? Unless you all admit that this is a scam and you are all scammer then no blame. The old lady which has invested thinking that she has made a smart choice is wrong no more discussion. Go and make hell out there. So Like Lecruz Say - Be SMART not too late.


  1. Sorry the post seem to be addressing the wrong issue. What I want to know is why there is no news what happen on 3rd Nov ?why there is no information and what make me really mad is that there are claim that those in the know has monopolies all info , only inform the privilege few well if this is true then when I sign up i should have use my collection of Jap Banana money instead I use RM. You cannot do this you have to keep all of us inform regardless so we at least know whats happening. More so I am very disappointed that those agents who happily take our money now think we are the enemy because of us the investor Lecruz is in deep shit well think again we are the guys the thousand of us who feed you so please own up to your responsibility and stop acting like small boys and do your job.


  2. This post seems to be the only way we investors have a say. Some of the upline, mine included, don't seem to care that we have lost so much. Not an ounce of remorse or empathy to our plight. The attitude is on the defensive and the always the same "no one forced you to invest".
    Only if we are united can we acheive something.
    My side leader not interested to form group or do anything. Just wait for out come. Hoping some more definite group can be formed to speak as one. Half the people in the committee, are for company so how can we acheive anything???
