Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Result of a Scammer : Anonymous 46 &47

Anyway we don't encourage violent, we just want our capital back. If they don't do that then just go through the legal channel. Anyhow we also don't condemn what you guys want to do.

Anonymous 46 said...
Tell you what one scammer, in one other scam got. Victims reported to them police, but as usual prosecution fail to establish a credible case on tecnical grouds. Instead the uplines got into trouble and held by police. He was threatened by someone on phone to jab his children with needle bought from drug addicts. One day in a crowded pasar malam somebody stick a needle on his back. The scammer could not identify who. People who earn money the wrong way thru MLM scam, can buy big cars and houses; but they will pay the price. Nothing is free.
Anonymous 47 said...
You are right, nothing is free. They can be happy for now but just wait and see how long they can enjoy with other people's hard earned money. They can cheat certain people at certain time but they can't cheat all the people all the time.Soon the the time will come. There may be 20 over ass holes on their sides but there are thousand others who suffered the lost. Lets see how it ends.

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