Saturday, July 10, 2010

That Bastard Alex from Johore Bahru in fact was the first person who brought in Lecruz but after a few months it seems like the mtr fkr fishmonger is leading the show and turning it into scam, we do feel that they could have plan for it at the very beginning. That was the experienced faced by some seniors in Mobile Wallet scam,( the same fishmonger team). It was being told that Alex was not in good terms with them since September 2009, he didn't even get his overriding,maybe this could have also being part of their plan,we wouldn't know unless Alex,himself write in to us. As far as we are concerned here, the fishmonger and his team is the devil behind all this. After Lecruz having problem,Alex Lim set up 
and invited many of us to go along but most of us human already being burnt by the fkg Lecruz dare not join him, some did followed him.
Oh yes! before that was convert from There was a small group lead by someone called John, his upline was Lim.
That was the worst case where most of those who transferred from Lecruz got to pay additional money to join Vtoria and it only last for less than 3 months, the new comers did not received anything at all! After confirming that Vtoria did not pay out any longer,there was a group who called him(John), asking him how was Vtoria, yet he still claimed "no problem, you guys sould have join me earlier", Oh! what a bullshit fkg oldman!Just because of a small amount of money he betrayed many of his old friends. Either he is useless or stupid fkg oldman! Yup! He denied the fact even after knowing the problem!
Okay now the latest news is the same bastards, fishmonger group setting up bird nest game : in Bayan Baru . Well, if you think of getting even with them then you got to do something, form your own group. contact those victims you know. Do something! That my advice!


Anonymous 74 said...

Another business set up by those bastards!
Pls check this out the link below :-

   July 6, 2010 10:55 AM

Anonymous 75 said...

    i know alex lim boon chuang also 1 of the 8 bastards now open new company name (privileges pass) started again to cheat money. Can some 1 stop this bastards continue cheating ppl. this company operate in thailand and this alex make alot money in le cruz. he is the guy who run the le cruz in macau.

    July 9, 2010 9:23 AM

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