Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Anonymous 80 : Gather at their house

I fully agree with you....what is there to scared of them ? Teach them a good lesson! They are still saying that none of you guys can do anything so why not just show them what we can do! & how serious we are!
Anonymous 80 said...
If we have 8000 investors, why can't we gather at their house and demand our returns??? 8000 investors against 8 #%$^#% persons. They are still enjoying life with our hard earn investment, and still continuing the harmful scam...the rest of us just waiting for legal action??? and when is that going to come? With so many complaints yet the police still can't take action? It's time to change strategy so the police will take us seriously. If we go one by one to the police may be it is just not good enough, we need to go in big group and each time one level up until they take us seriously. May be we should form a team to keep rotating to go to the police station for follow up. We must put a stop to all these $(%*%# people and prevent them from doing more harm to others


  1. We also must look for this fellow:
    Johnson Foong kok Choon (016-4149657).
    He is one of the main reason that cause Lecruz
    scam happened,he is the one who cheating and
    sell out all investors.
    After the Lecruz scam have happened,then he told
    us that he is too trusted,too believe in Oh Haw
    Leong, and he never find out and check with
    Casino about this Lecruz,he everything just listened to him and start to introduce this
    investment to us straightaway.This is the maior
    and main reason why Lecruz scam at last happened
    ,how many of us loss our hard earnings money
    because he work that way.
    How can Johnson Foong working in such a way,and
    why he never bother to report and inform this
    very serious case to us all the way, he never
    tell us earlier,only after the Lecruz scam have
    happened,we ask him how Casino can help,then he
    no choice and tell us the true,that why I say he
    is cheating and sell out all investors.
    He is now fully responsible to what he have done
    to the public investors.
    He is totally no contact,no connection with
    Casino,then why he tell us everything is done,
    that why a lot of us join,and that is the major
    and main reason why Lecruz boss and Oh Haw Leong
    can just take away all investors money easily
    and quietly.
    Until now Johnson Foong don't admit what he have
    done to us was super wrong he never apologize,
    and still can scold people.
    Johnson Foong Kok Choon is fully responsible to
    us himself and not Oh Haw Leong responsible for
    him to us in this part,he now don't want to
    answer and be responsible to what have happened.

  2. Johnson Foong Kok Choon (016-4149657).
    He is the conspirator of Lecruz scam,he is
    responsible to all of us.
