Thursday, January 20, 2011

Anonymous 83 :

 I'm not sure I get what you trying to write.Anyway,they are right too...Nobody force us to invest. The truth is  they purposely set up this company and plan well to close it down so that they can grab the huge profit.None of those who made profit will pity those who lost, they are still happily enjoying themselves with their ill-gotten money. 
Well,it is our money,if we felt being cheated then we got to take action.Don't wait for others to take action coz' the other person maybe the one who make profit out of your hard earned money.
Anonymous 83 said...
After a long time I see some comments. I have given up that anyone is bothered to get back our hard earned money. Why are the leaders who recruited so many and convinced them to participate in this scheme, take some effort to do something. When they could organize the meetings to get the investors, how come they are at a loss what to do now. My leader has completely stopped all contacts. The argument is, no one forced you to invest!!!!There seem be not an once even of sympathy to the loss and pain we have suffered.


  1. cheating mean let someone feel he is safe to
    take out the money.but it is not at all,
    if the leader can just say we are not force
    to invest,then Oh Haw Leong also can say the
    same word,then why he need to run overseas,
    because he is a cheater.
    if force that mean different
    meaning already.
    if we know Lecruz is cheating us,then who
    still go and invest,ask the leader.

  2. All leaders have no right to say :no one forced
    us to invest.why they say that is because now
    they are very fear of we claim our money from
    them,but I think this is what they must do.
    we transfer our money to those leaders is we
    want to invest in Casino,and they handover our
    money to that Top 8 which is not recognize and
    not admit by the Casino,we never allow and give
    them permission to handover our money to anyone
    else except Casino,all our money are given to
    wrong if Top 8 going to thief away all
    our money,then infront of us they are fully
    responsible to us,because they work and listen
    to them totally blindly.they become the conspirator with them.
    Cheating case is a criminal offence in many nations,for eg,in USA,one old fellow running
    a investment campany,I forgot what is he name,
    in ten years time,he cheating the USA investors
    few hundred the end he was charged to
    the court,and was sentence for 150 years,that
    mean this old fellow will be in prison until he
    In Singapore,very popular cheating case,everyone
    know him,he is the director of Sunshine Empire,
    he is James Phang.he was sentence to jail for
    nine years.
    Now I want to ask those Lecruz leaders,why all
    this cheater they all end up at jail?did they
    forced any of the investors to invest.of course
    they never,they was jailed because cheating is a
    illegal,criminal offence,for sure they cannot
    tell the court they never forced the investors
    to invest this king of reason as excuse.
    So for those Lecruz leaders,you are to responsible to you downline,don't try to say all those nonsense again.

  3. I like to ask the Lecruz leaders,let say you are
    the police officer,one day the bank make the
    police report that one fellow cheated their bank
    one millon,and you are the one who arrested that
    cheater,and that cheater say to you:
    so you are the police officer who arrested him,
    will you just letgo of him free because he say
    something like this,or you will charge him to
    please answer this question very honestly to

  4. What I was trying to say is that as individuals we cannot acheive anything. I would love to walk up to this guy's door and ask him to return my money. Do you think he would? Next I would be worried about my family and my safety. These are dangerous people we are dealing with. We should know that by now.
    Police or political parties too are not interested in our problems. There are many educated and intelligent people who have lost a lot of money. My suggestion is to pool this intelligence and come out with a way to get back our money, or get back at them. Is it possible for us in mass to file a civil case againt the master minds for cheating? I am not sure..but we must not allow them to enjoy their ill goten gains...we need ideas and ways to work this out.

  5. I just wanna to know how to get back all money that has invested in Bestino Group?
    Can someone help me to answer this question?
